Receptor GPR150 interacts with:
No known Receptor-Ligand interactions
Gene Expression data
Select Experiment:
Showing: Preimplantation Mouse Embryo
Experiment: Testis development
Testes of mice at days 0, 3, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 30, 35, and 56 of age.
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{%="("+prot_type.slice(0,3)+") "+GeneSymbol%>
Interacts With
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Experiment: Pituitary adenoma subtypes
Normal pituitary, pituitary adenomas secreting GH, PRL, or ACTH, and non-functioning adenoma.
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{%="("+prot_type.slice(0,3)+") "+GeneSymbol%>
Interacts With
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Experiment: Preimplantation mouse embryo
{%="("+prot_type.slice(0,3)+") "+GeneSymbol%>
Interacts With
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