Summary: (from NCBI-Entrez) ..[read more]Integrins are heterodimers comprised of alpha and beta subunits, that are noncovalently associated transmembrane glycoprotein receptors. Different combinations of alpha and beta polypeptides form complexes that vary in their ligand-binding specificities.
Form and function: the laminin family of heterotrimers. Laminin-1 is composed of the three subunits alpha-1, beta-1 and gamma-1 (Colognato & Yurchenco 2000).
Form and function: the laminin family of heterotrimers. Laminin-2 is composed of the three subunits alpha-2, beta-1 and gamma-1 (Colognato & Yurchenco 2000).
Form and function: the laminin family of heterotrimers. Laminin-5 is composed of the three subunits alpha-3A, beta-3 and gamma-2 (Colognato & Yurchenco 2000).