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PPBD protein
Gene name YWHAB( Description: tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, beta polypeptide. )
Synonyms GW128; HS1; KCIP-1; Protein 1054; Protein kinase C inhibitor protein 1
GO annotations GO_component: cytoplasm [PMID 12963375]; perinuclear region [PMID 12963375]
GO_function:monooxygenase activity; protein domain specific binding
RefSeq accession NP_003395
SwissProt accession P31946
Substrate protein
Gene name CSF2RB1( Description: Tir. )
Synonyms 2.3; 34Ea; BG:DS00941.4; CG10637; CG18250; CG6772; CG7793; CG8200; CK02126; CT41273; DG; DmDG; E(sev)2A; EK2-8; EY2-3; FLO1; FLO[Dm]; RPB1; RPB220; SOS; SUA8; Sos1; Su(tor)2-2; YAP2; br24; br25; d; dSos; dgn; dme-SOS; l(2)34Ea; l(2)br24; l(2)br25; l(2)k05224; l(2)k06321; nak; reggie-2; slob
GO annotations GO_component:
RefSeq accession
SwissProt accession Q3U2L4
Sequence:(RefSeq accession:; substrate region highlighted if known)
Category Evidence Reference
A Peptide library Guthridge MA, Powell JA, Barry EF, Stomski FC, McClure BJ, Ramshaw H, Felquer FA, Dottore M, Thomas DT, To B, Begley CG, Lopez AF., Growth factor pleiotropy is controlled by a receptor Tyr/Ser motif that acts as a binary switch., [16437163]
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