Record details: Hide
PPBD protein
Gene name GRB2
GO annotations GO_component: cytosol [PMID 14722116]
GO_function:epidermal growth factor receptor binding [PMID 12577067]; insulin receptor substrate binding [PMID 8388384]; SH3/SH2 adaptor activity [PMID 8253073]
GO_process: cell-cell signaling [PMID 8253073]; epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway [PMID 1322798]; insulin receptor signaling pathway [PMID 8388384]; intracellular signaling cascade; Ras protein signal transduction [PMID 8253073]
RefSeq accession NP_002077
SwissProt accession P29354
Substrate protein
Gene name tpr-met fusion gene
GO annotations GO_component:
RefSeq accession AAA92686
SwissProt accession
GO Pathway:
GO:0008283     cell proliferation
Sequence:(RefSeq accession:AAA92686; substrate region highlighted if known)
Category Evidence Reference
A Mutagenesis Fixman ED, Fournier TM, Kamikura DM, Naujokas MA, Park M., Pathways downstream of Shc and Grb2 are required for cell transformation by the tpr-Met oncoprotein, [8662733]
End of Record Details