Record details: Hide
PPBD protein
Gene name YWHAZ
Synonyms KCIP-1; Protein kinase C inhibitor protein 1
GO annotations GO_component:
GO_function:protein domain specific binding; transcription factor binding [PMID 16114898]
RefSeq accession NP_003397
SwissProt accession P63104
Substrate protein
Gene name DAF-16( Description: Tir. )
Synonyms 2.3; 34Ea; BG:DS00941.4; CG10637; CG18250; CG6772; CG7793; CG8200; CK02126; CT41273; DG; DmDG; E(sev)2A; EK2-8; EY2-3; FLO1; FLO[Dm]; RPB1; RPB220; SOS; SUA8; Sos1; Su(tor)2-2; YAP2; br24; br25; d; dSos; dgn; dme-SOS; l(2)34Ea; l(2)br24; l(2)br25; l(2)k05224; l(2)k06321; nak; reggie-2; slob
GO annotations GO_component:
RefSeq accession
SwissProt accession O18676
Sequence:(RefSeq accession:; substrate region highlighted if known)
Category Evidence Reference
A Mutagenesis Cahill CM, Tzivion G, Nasrin N, Ogg S, Dore J, Ruvkun G, Alexander-Bridges M., Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling inhibits DAF-16 DNA binding and function via 14-3-3-dependent and 14-3-3-independent pathways., [11124266]
End of Record Details